11.6* Million Dinner Table Conversations invites adults to enter a completely different world, a world where the tables are turned and where our children call all the shots. 

Dinner on National Climate Day 2023 in 11.6 million family households belongs entirely to the kids. No matter whether they are 5 or 15 years old, they alone determine the menu, cook all the dishes, set the table and decide on the topics of conversation.

11.6 Million Dinner Table Conversations invites us to turn the usual hierarchies between adults and children upside down. "As long as you put your feet under my table (on my planet!) ...", kids are allowed to say over the course of one special evening.

 Let them cook away your fears of gummy bear jello, beetroot fish fingers or ‚Eggs-a-la- Leo' (5). And never again shy away from the question: "Daddy, what did you do during the climate crisis?" 

*According to the latest census in 2019, Germany has 11,6 million family households. We will adapt this figure to your country and circumstances: all our projects will be adapted to the location and situation they are staged in and for. 

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